Jack Troy's Auto Body Works

Jack Troy's Auto Body Works
You will be amazed how we can transfer that ugly wrecked car back to a work of beauty and pride again in such a short time; or that damaged fender or scratches or digs in our car body, and match that paint perfectly. Our Bear Frame wheel aligning machine with factory trained men operating it will straighten out frames, front axles, knee action assembly - cold, right on your car, and guarantee it to be perfect. No more expensive replacement parts are necessary for such a job. We know our business thoroughly, having had years of experience in car body, frame, knee action assembly and steering. We know how these parts should operate and why. Our men with factory training and long experience; and the use of precision tools and machines, make possible a service that no other shop this side of New York City can offer. You will be surprised at how little this service costs you. Try us and be convinced Salesman's Sample
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Curt Teich & Co.

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